Karbala, Walayat, and Taghut
The Wali (the Guardian) of the Muttaqin (the Truly Sincere Devotees)
September 06, 2023
Religion informs us of structures of existence, of the nature of existence, of our own created natures, of systems that encompass the material world. It informs us of our place within a much vaster reality than simply the material world, as expansive as the material world is. Religion gives us a view that says the material world is an entirely dependant subset of a larger more real metaphysical structure....
Relating the Narrative
Reflections on Karbala
November 22, 2012
There are in every generation those who betray a double trust. They betray the bonds of humanity to which Ali ibn Abu Talib alluded when he said “people are of two kinds, either they are your partners in faith, or they are your partners in humanity, so behave accordingly.” And they betray the archetypal “trust” infused (in potentia) in human nature at the beginning of creation, the turning away from which results in the spreading of injustice and unnecessary bloodshed, repeated in an ever compounding generational loop as new technologies emerge that exponentially allow us to leverage our reach and killing power....
Martyrdom of Imam Husayn
March 02, 2004
When nobody except a group of three members of his family was left with al-Husayn, he moved against the people (the soldiers), while the three (moved with) him until (all) three were killed. Al-Husayn was left alone. Despite being weighed down by wounds in his head and body, he began to strike against them with his sword and they scattered, to right and left, away from him....
Tawil of Karbala
Relate the narrative that they may reflect
February 26, 2004
When we remember past events and recite the stories of the incidences that took place at Karbala and draw lessons from them we are fulfilling a qur'anic entreaty to call to mind past occurrences and draw lessons from them. Just as the qur'an is a book of guidance for us, from God, so also is the universe, the world which we inhabit, a "book" of God replete with signs (ayats) and waymarks - a guidance to those whose hearts are inclined to seek guidance and who strive to understand the significance of human actions in this world....
On Martyrdom
Witnessing truth
February 22, 2004
The word "shahid" (martyr) means "witness", in the sense of one who is a witness to the Truth of God as manifested in the Qur'an, in history, in the world, and within one's own self. It describes a type of person who has clearly understood the deep distinction between truth and falsehood and who, by the example of his life and the manner of his death becomes a criterion (furqan), a standard of judgement between right and wrong....
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